Broken edges on terracotta pots

Broken edges can be quickly glued back together for long-term stability with presto Bodyfiller.

Also suitable for use on:
Cupboard hinges, wall brackets

You will need these products

Here’s how

In addition to its outstanding filling power, presto Bodyfiller offers, above all, impressive gluing functionality. Clean and dry the undercoat.

Mix the bodyfiller according to the instructions. Cover the damaged area on one side with filler.

Glue the broken part exactly onto the damaged part. Leave to dry for about 15 minutes.

Sand down excess material with 80-grit sandpaper. Clean the surface of dust and grease. Then paint over with a DUPLI-COLOR Terracotta Spray.


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Broken edges can be quickly glued back together for long-term stability with presto Bodyfiller.


Also suitable for use on:

Cupboard hinges, wall...

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