Create the ultimate, old-fashioned look on any everydays object. All you need for this, is a previous acrylic or nitro-combi painting made by DUPLI-COLOR plus the new DUPLI-COLOR Crackle Effect Spray.
Special high-temperature paste with excellent lubricating effect. suitable due to the metal-free formulation especially for work on ABS brake systems. With removable brush head.
DUPLI-COLOR dispersion repair paint – Makes stains disappear!
Various stains at walls or ceilings are a thing of the past now - in a matter of seconds! Perfectly suitable for small repair works where segues should be invisible.
presto vignettes remover kit
A toll sticker here, a vignette there. The removal of these was previously often a nuisance. The new presto vignettes remover kit contains all the necessary components for a simple and clean vignettes removal.
MOTIP DUPLI a connu un franc succès lors du salon Creativeworld de Francfort. Les attentes ont été plus que satisfaites, puisque de nombreux nouveaux...
MOTIP DUPLI présente le nouveau calendrier artistique Bodypainting 2012/2013. La 4ème édition limitée de ce calendrier très ambitieux offre des images...