Plastic Primer

Plastic Primer

presto Plastic Primer is a bonding agent for the final varnishing of car plastic parts with presto or DUPLI-COLOR spray paints.

Suitable for car parts, garden furniture and other objects of coatable hard plastics.

Applicable for following hard plastics: polyurethane (PUR), polystyrene (PS), polyamide (PA), polypropylene rubber, modified (EPDM), acrylic butadiene styrene plastics (ABS), glass-fibre reinforced plastics (GfK), hard polyvinyl chloride (Hart-PVC)

Before application, we recommend to wet-sand plastic parts with presto wet-sandpaper P600 135934 and to clean them with presto Silicone Remover 458668.

Examples for use

Plastic Primer
Plastic Primer


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