
Preliminary Treatment


A perfect top coat requires optimal adhesion between the object and the subsequent lacquer coat. The primers are available in different colours and grant the economical use of the lacquer. For special surfaces such as iron, sheet steel, plastics, zinc or zinc-alu we offer special primers.
-> Preliminary treatment

Auto Shades


Professional colour system, which covers more than 14,000 original car shades of the established car manufacturers. For lacquering and for colour-matching repair of small and bigger paint damages at the car or at the bike.
-> Cars shades!



The 2-coat clear lacquer gives the finishing touch to a top coat. This sealing protects the lacquer from weathering, UV-light and retains the colour. The Spot Blender is good for a fine transition of the coating.
-> Finish products

Rallye Lacquers


A tight assortment with the most popular rallye lacquers for decor and repair works, wheel paints for steel and alloy rims as well as clear lacquer for semi-professional users and DIY enthusiasts.
-> Rallye lacquers

Special Products


Special applications at bumpers, objects which are exposed to high heat or the optical accentuation require special products.
-> Special products

Tuning Line


You'll always succeed to create individual designs and perfect styling with the MoTip Tuning Line: Brake Calliper Spray, Alu-Wheel-Spray, Silver Chrome, Mirage and much more...
-> Tuning Line

Unterbody Coating


Protection from stone-chip, salt, water, rust and weathering for car underbodies. The cavity protection avoids efficiently rust, for example at doors, side parts, boot lids, front lids etc. 
-> Unterbody coating

Car Care


Car care products for the conditioning and care around the car - for lacquer, alloy rims, bumpers, chrome, leather, wind screens etc.
-> Car Care

Bike Care


In November 2021, we launched our new name, European Aerosols. With our new name, we wanted to express our established position and ambition for the...

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Kreativer Adventskalender

Kreativer Adventskalender

Die Adventszeit steht kurz bevor und somit stellt sich auch wieder die alljährliche Frage nach einem Adventskalender um die Wartezeit bis Weihnachten...

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Silberzweige - Weihnachtliche Deko-Ideen

Silberzweige - Weihnachtliche Deko-Ideen

Deko-Ideen im Advent zu verwirklichen macht Spaß und bringt Sie selbst in eine vorweihnachtliche Stimmung. Wem das klassische Tannengrün zu langweilig...

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