



Bike fanciers, professionals and perfectionists can find in Cycling a tight assortment composed of six high quality products for the holistic cleaning and care, for professional chain lubrication and the installation of premium carbon parts.
-> Cycling!

Bike Care


Care, lubrication and protection for mechanical metal and plastic parts at your bike with the MoTip products from the Bike Care Linie.
-> Bike Care!


In November 2021, we launched our new name, European Aerosols. With our new name, we wanted to express our established position and ambition for the...

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Booo - It´s Halloween

Achtung, es wird schaurig! Fledermäuse fliegen und einsame Hände halten Kerzen: Halloween kann kommen! Um den typischen orange/ schwarzen Grusellook...

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Kreative Ostereier

Rost, Crackle oder Marble? Wir sprühen für Ostern! Wie jedes Jahr zum Osterfest wollen wir mit Eiern dekorieren. Diesmal wird mit den...

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