FAQ professional

The ColorMatic 2K clear coat / 2K primer filler / 2K pre-fill top coat does not harden all the way through.


  • The pin at the bottom of the can was not pulled out all the way and then turned a full 360°. As a result, the hardener in the cartridge did not mix with the paint component. Complete chemical drying is therefore not possible
  • The 2K can was not shaken long enough after activation (min. 2 minutes).
  • The ambient temperature during painting is too cold and the paint therefore requires much more time to harden. The optimal coating temperature is +20 °C. The spray can should also have a temperature of approx. +20 °C to +25 °C

Paint drops / splatters in the paint coat.


  • The spray nozzle was not pushed all the way down
  • The spray nozzle was pushed down too much in the forward third; as a result, the spray jet touches the edge of the spray can and drops form which will be splashed on the paint coat as they accumulate.
  • The spray can was held too much in a horizontal position; as a result the internal rising tube sucks in more propellant than paint and this causes paint splatters / irregular spray jets.
  • The spray can is too cold; optimal spray diffusion occurs only when the spray can is approx. +20 °C.
  • The spray nozzle is contaminated with dried-on paint residue. Always turn the spray can upside-down after spraying and spray the nozzle clean.


The paint from the spray can does provide good coverage / the shade does not match.

  • The spray can was not shaken long enough. Shake for at least two minutes from when you can hear the mixing balls rattle.
  • The paint coat was applied too thin

The spray can is not working.Cause:


  • The spray can was not shaken long enough. Shake for at least two minutes from when you can hear the mixing balls rattle.
  • The spray nozzle is contaminated with dried-on paint residue. Always turn the spray can upside-down after spraying and spray the nozzle clean.
  • Replace the spray nozzle.

Paint coat wrinkles, pulls up.



  • Filler is not compatible with substrate or with the base coat / clear coat.
  • Filler is possibly not suitable for water-based paint.
  • Filler was sprayed too thick in one coating pass.
  • The previous paint coat did not yet dry fully and the substrate was dissolved again through the effect of the reapplication of the solvent. Note: If a part of the vehicle is painted again after deficient painting, the previously applied paint must have fully hardened. Either allow several days if dried in the air or approx. 2 hours at 60 °C.

Paint runs in the 2K clear coat / top coat.

  • Coat applied too thick
  • Spray can too cold or room temperature too cool (under 18 °C).
  • Sprayed too close to the object.
  • Irregular motions / spraying distance of spray can.
  • Spray can moved too slowly

  • Allow paint runs to dry fully.
  • Carefully sand down with a small sanding block and P1500 - P2000 sanding paper.
  • Dry sanded area with an infrared drier and after it has cooled again, polish to a high gloss.
  • Repainting is necessary if the run is very large or if you sanded through when attempting to sand off the run.
  • Clean with silicon remover after hardening, sand wet with P800 and apply a new coat.


  • Irregular motion / spray distance when applying base coat.


  • Observe the uniform spray distance and uniform speed when moving the spray can.
  • Clean with silicon remover after hardening, sand wet with P800 and apply a new coat.

Orange peel effect

  • Sheet metal / substrate too cold
  • Working temperature too high (above + 25°C)
  • Flash off time not observed between spray passes
  • Uneven paint application
  • Spray can too cold and spray diffusion therefore not fine enough.


  • Observe optimal spray temperature of +20°C - +25°C.
  • Spray evenly
  • Observe flash off times
  • If the thickness of the coat is sufficient, drying can be followed by sanding the orange peel skin of the clear coat
  • With P2000 sanding paper followed by polishing with lustre to a high gloss.
  • Sand smooth with P800- P2000 and apply clear coat once more.

After drying there is a matt spot in the clear coat in the area were smoothing was done.

  • The smoothing compound was sanded wet
  • Wrong mixing ratio of smoothing compound / hardener


  • Polish to a high gloss.
  • Polyester smoothing compound is hygroscopic and must always be sanded dry.
  • The correct mixing ratio of smoothing compound to hardener must be observed (normally 2 - 4% addition of hardener)
  • Clean with silicon remover, sand wet with P800 and apply a new coat.

2K clear coat not flowing smoothly (finish not glossy).

  • The clear coat was applied too thin
  • The spray can was moved too quickly (no flow)
  • Spray can too cold and spray diffusion therefore not fine enough.


  • Observe room temperature (approx. 20°C) .
  • Apply clear coat in 2 full spray passes (with 5 min. flash off time in between) until a high gloss flow appears.
  • If the coat is thick enough, the clear coat can be sanded with P2000 sanding paper after if has fully dried and then polished to a high gloss.
  • Sand smooth with P800 - P2000 and apply clear coat once more.

Slumping (loss of glossiness after drying with clear coat / top coat).

  • The filler coat did not sufficiently dry after wet sanding.
  • Drying temperature too high (above +80°C).


  • Polish the defect area to a high gloss.
  • Clean with silicon remover after fully dry and sand wet with P800 and apply a new coat.

When carrying out spot repair, a rim has formed (tearing edge) after polishing the transition zone.


  • The paint coat did not dry long enough (at least 25 min. with infrared drying, followed by cooling off.)
  • Not sanded far enough with the sanding pad (P2000/P4000) in the defogging zone.
  • The clear coat was not applied far enough over the base coat.
  • Sanded too far into the spot blender zone when sanding away dust particles.
  • Polished too long or too hot.

The paint coat contains a lot of dust after painting.

  • Dusty floor
  • Draft in the room
  • Clothing shedding lint
  • Surface to be painted not carefully cleaned.
  • Several people in the vicinity of spray painting (dust stirred up)
  • Rubbed too long back and forth when using silicon remover on painted plastic parts. The plastic becomes electrostatically charged from rubbing and attracts dust.


  • Moisten the floor, close doors and windows, position extraction system close to the spray painting area.
  • Wash vehicle prior to spray painting. Do not allow other people in the area of spray painting.
  • Do not rub too hard on painted plastic parts (electrostatic charging), use ColorMatic antistatic plastic cleaner.
  • Sand away dust inclusions with P2000 sanding paper and polish to a high gloss.

Dots (silicon) in the paint coat.


  • Silicon-containing products (e.g. cockpit spray, plastic care, etc.) are processed in the vicinity.
  • Vehicle was freshly polished.
  • Not sufficiently cleaned with silicon remover; the paper towel must be turned over and replaced more frequently.
  • A skin lotion containing silicon was used previously on the hands.
  • A hair-care product containing silicon has been used.


  • Degrease the part to be painted thoroughly and generously with silicon remover.
  • Apply the spray passes (base coat) preferably in several thin layers.
  • Apply the first clear coat pass thinly followed only then by the second clear coat pass on the flow after 5 minutes of flash off time.
  • Do not work near the spray area with products containing silicon; use only silicon-free hand lotion.
  • Silicon inclusions cannot be worked out afterwards. Sand out after fully hardened and repaint.

Cratering (small burst bubbles in the clear coat / top coat).

  • Paint coat applied too thick
  • Flash off time (5 min.) not observed with infrared drying.
  • Infrared dryer too close to the object (over +80 °C).


  • Allow the affected paint area to fully dry and use P800 for wet sanding (manual sanding) or P500 for dry sanding (eccentric sanding) to sand the cratering and repaint.
  • If a filler application is required, the clear coat must be completely removed by sanding and the paint coat applied incrementally again.

Pores (many pin-holes in the clear coat / top coat).

  • Smoothing spots were not filled before painting.
  • Paint coat applied too thick
  • Flash off time (5 min.) not observed with infrared drying.
  • Infrared dryer too close to the object (over +80 °C).


  • Allow the affected paint area to fully dry and use P800 for wet sanding (manual sanding) or P500 for dry sanding (eccentric sanding) to sand the cratering and repaint.
  • If a filler application is required, the clear coat must be completely removed by sanding and the paint coat applied incrementally again.

The shade does not match the ColorMatic solvent-based / water-based mixing system.

  • The mixing colours were not shaken long enough during mixing.
  • The scale is cold, not placed on a level surface or in a location with a draft.
  • The base coat was not dried long enough (especially water-based paint).
  • The base coat was not applied with full coverage
  • Possibly required coloured substrate priming (ColorMatic HG1 - HG8) or appropriate pre-filler coat during 3-layer structure was not observed.
  • The 2K clear coat was applied to the base coat while still wet.
  • Wrong shade version mixed.
  • Adjacent vehicle parts possibly weather-beaten and not polished when comparing shades of colour.
  • Shade not adapted


  • Shake the mixing colours well before mixing (water-based paints 30 seconds, solvent-based paints approx. 3 minutes)
  • Switch on the scale 15 minutes before weighing (warming time).
  • Place the scale on a solid, level and wind-protected floor.
  • With some shades of colour (especially with water-based paint), the shade may not match until the paint is dry. The final shade becomes apparent only after the aqueous solvent (dry surface) has evaporated.
  • 2K clear coat may be applied only after the base coat has flashed off matt and is dry (normally after approx. 20 min. at +20 °C).
  • Check whether different shade nuances are indicated in the recipe and compare with colour chart.
  • Mix shade, paint a sample sheet (full coverage) and compare.


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