Wheel repair set

Wheel repair set

Scratches and notches in aluminum rims not only look ugly, they also reduce the value of the vehicle. With the presto wheel repair set, such damage can be removed quickly and easily!

Examples for use

Wheel repair set
Wheel repair set


In November 2021, we launched our new name, European Aerosols. With our new name, we wanted to express our established position and ambition for the...

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Kreativer Adventskalender

Kreativer Adventskalender

Die Adventszeit steht kurz bevor und somit stellt sich auch wieder die alljährliche Frage nach einem Adventskalender um die Wartezeit bis Weihnachten...

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Broken edges can be quickly glued back together for long-term stability with presto Bodyfiller.


Also suitable for use on:

Cupboard hinges, wall...

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