Tyre Cleaner

Tyre Cleaner

This is a high-quality silicone-based spray for revitalising car tyre colour as well as protecting the tyres from the weather.

Examples for use

Tyre Cleaner
Tyre Cleaner


In November 2021, we launched our new name, European Aerosols. With our new name, we wanted to express our established position and ambition for the...

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Kreativer Adventskalender

Kreativer Adventskalender

Die Adventszeit steht kurz bevor und somit stellt sich auch wieder die alljährliche Frage nach einem Adventskalender um die Wartezeit bis Weihnachten...

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Scratches can be quickly repaired with presto light filler without affecting the weight of the board.


Also suitable for use on:

Model planes,...

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