Order informations TERRACOTTA LOOK

Order informations

DUPLI-COLOR TERRACOTTA LOOK is a quick-drying acrylic lacquer with a special, rough surface texture to produce Terracotta-similar effects.

Suitable for nearly every surface, e.g. metal, wood, glass, stone, ceramics, carton and many coatable hard plastics.

On plastics always use DUPLI-COLOR PLASTIC PRIMER as adhesion promoter.

Order informations

 Color   Product   Bundle   Art.No. 
 TERRACOTTA LOOK man.braun 150   150 ml   743634 
 TERRACOTTA LOOK man.braun 400   400 ml   706981 
 TERRACOTTA LOOK orientrot 150   150 ml   743665 
 TERRACOTTA LOOK saharagelb150   150 ml   743641 
 TERRACOTTA LOOK samtblau 150   150 ml   743658 

Examples for use

Order informations
Order informations

Disclaimer of liability

This application-technological information is given to the best of our knowledge. The notes mentioned herein are, however, non-binding and do not exempt you from own tests to see whether the products supplied by us are suitable for your special application. The use and processing is beyond our control and therefore exclusively in the responsibility of the user. European Aerosols is let off the liability, unless the liability-based incident is caused by a fault incurred to European Aerosols.

As of January 7, 2010
This release replaces all eventually earlier issued versions.


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