No matter if you want to stick, caulk, insulate, secure or package: The high-quality products of HPX ensure to easily and effectifely perform these tasks.

Mounting Tapes

In this category, you will find adhesive tapes for mounting several objects. Various lengths and widths offer a wide range and ensure a reliable adhesion through a double sided adhesive surface.
-> Mounting Tapes

Adhesive and velcro pads

For mounting smaller objects, it is often helpful to use adhesive or velcro pads instead of a tape that needs to be tailored. In this category, you will find three different products.
-> Adhesive and velcro pads 

Duct tapes

The adhesive tapes of this category represent the perfect problem solvers for reparations of all kinds. Available in different lengths, widths and colours. The duct tapes are caracterised by a high adhesive and tensile strength.
-> Duct tapes

Insulating tapes

HPX insulationg tapes of this category are suitable for electrical insulation and a wide variety of applications. Available in several coulours and types.
-> Insulating tapes

Masking tapes

In this category you will find adhesive tapes made out of crepe paper for masking various objects. Available in painting quality and automotive standard quality.
-> Masking tapes

Articles for sanding

This category offers grinding articles of all kinds: dry and wet sanding papers as well as abrasive pads and foam abrasive blocks.
-> Articles for sanding

Safety and marking

Tapes are also used for safety and marking. In this category, you will find a barrier, safety and reflect tape.
-> Safety and marking

Other articles

In this category, you will find our HPX Alu tape, butyl sealing tape and different versions of packaging tapes.
-> Other articles


For working with spray paints and tapes, accessory is required. This category provides information about the following products: rubber smoothing spatula, tack rag, dust mask.
-> Accessoires


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Tischdeko und passendes Outfit

Dosen, Plastikbecher und Dekoteilchen werden für das nächste Spiel mit den Nationalfarben Schwarz, Rot und Gelb aus der Serie platinum von DUPLI-COLOR...

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Tischdekoration für Ostern

Tischdekoration für Ostern

Brauchen Sie noch eine außergewöhnliche Tischdeko für Ostern? Schnell gemacht und garantiert einzigartig sind unsere Eierbecher aus Schnellzement und...

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