Pre-fill Premium lösemittelhaltig

Pre-fill Premium lösemittelhaltig

The ColorMatic pre-fill spray paint is prefilled with propellant and specific additives and then filled by VitoMat filling machines with the desired coat. Equipped with the variable spray nozzle FlexJet it is possible to adjust the application amount and the width of the spray jet individually. Also it is possible to align the spray pattern horizontal or vertical. Professional technique for spraying like a spray gun.

The ColorMatic pre-fill standard is a pre-filled can with propellant gases and solvent that can be filled with solvent-based basecoats.Application:Ideal for spot repairs or refinishing parts.

Examples for use

Pre-fill Premium lösemittelhaltig
Pre-fill Premium lösemittelhaltig



Kreativer Adventskalender

Kreativer Adventskalender

Die Adventszeit steht kurz bevor und somit stellt sich auch wieder die alljährliche Frage nach einem Adventskalender um die Wartezeit bis Weihnachten...

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Even damage to metal or metal sheets can be easily repaired with presto alu Metal Filler. The finished repairs blend in well and are waterproof.


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