DUPLI-COLOR Spray Adhesive - Let’s stick together…

You may ask youself what spray adhesive has to do with colour. For creative people there’s not much to think about this question. Many colourful handicrafts end in perfection after the carefully painted parts have been joint to a whole. That’s what one should think about already when buying the DIY accessories, therefore the consumer does not have to search any more, but he can find now the new DUPLI-COLOR Spray Adhesive in the sales rack side by side with the spray paints.

DUPLI-COLOR Spray Adhesive
DUPLI-COLOR Spray Adhesive



Aging, weather influences and other conditions can make that the plastic of headlamps by and by will be matt and unclear. Only with a little effort...

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Tisch- oder Baumdekoration

Zapfen von Pinie, Kiefer und Fichte sind mit DUPLI-COLOR Aqua Lackspray im Handumdrehen farbig spraylackiert.

Die lackierten Zapfen eignen sich...

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