
Since years, European Aerosols is not just the European market leader in aeosol paint production, but the enterprise also shows an enormous dedication to the fields of environmental protection and quality assurance. With the unique eco-natural trail around the plant, a "hideaway" for fauna and flora has been created, which is one-of-a-kind. The question "Spray or pump?" arises to many consumers, who take care about the environment, but often don't know, how aerosols work. Thus a spray can functions informs about that. But what happens to the can, when it is empty? Spray can recycling is an important subject for European Aerosols. The REACH brochure informs about EC regulations, which govern and control the trade and the commerce of chemicals.





Ausrangiere Guglhupfformen findet man manchmal auf dem Flohmarkt oder beim Trödler. Doch zum Wegwerfen sind sie viel zu schade. So können aus alten...

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These magical lanterns will get a lot of attention. You’ll find similar decorations that really catch the eye with a little colour, at flea markets or...

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