Eco-natural trail

Imagemap Öko-Lehrpfad

Teichbiotop und Wildwiese / Pond biotope and wild grassland Insekten- und Amphibienburg / Insects- and amphibian castle Turmfalkendomizil / Kestrel nesting site Wildhecke / Wild hedge Fledermauskolonie / Bat colony Regenwassersammelbecken / Rain water collecting basin Waldkauzanlage / Brown owl facility Feuchtbiotop und Wildwiese / Humid biotope und wild grassland Streuobstwiese / Scattered fruit meadow

Please click on the individual stations to get more detailed information as PDF.



Here you can make stylized leaf-pattern wall paintings. The trick: the leaves are not painted but sprayed with stencil technology. The brilliant white...

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Aging, weather influences and other conditions can make that the plastic of headlamps by and by will be matt and unclear. Only with a little effort...

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